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de Eidola / pe Companion / an -0001


I know this is not what you want to hear

We've built this place together all of these years

If you're filled with confusion we've done nothing wrong

Looking at the pieces, I realized that we didn't have them all

When we began, my mind was young and the sun warmed my touch but it blinded

My sight

Back then I knew, we started to build our home through the summer

Underestimating the winters night

We kept on, We kept on, We kept, kept on building

I felt like we were too far in, too far in, too far in to stop

Now we need to salvage what we can

I saw our home approaching cold

Walls and a roof that couldn't hold

Although our fire provided warmth

The flame and foundations would not stay through the storms

We'll lift and take everything we laid

Build with it, you'll be glad that we didn't stay

Create a home warmer than one we could have made

All the pain that you're feeling resides within me

If I appear unaffected know I'm not empty

As you search for comfort, I hope you will see

The guilt that wrestles inside barely lets me breathe

And I can hardly speak about you

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