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Forgotten Love

de Elis / an -


Past is haunting me,

Fragments of memory disturb my peace of mind.

Hours of delight now seem a thousand years away

I was a fool to let you go.

My heart and soul are filled with sadness

Deep as grey oceans in your eyes.

My heart and soul are filled with sadness

Despair spreads its fingers around my mind.

Days of love and hope

were followed by aeons of loneliness

as darkness sunk into our hearts

The other one's shadow

stood between us, a silent wall of doom

darkening the sky

My heart and soul are filled with sadness

Deep as grey oceans in your eyes.

My heart and soul are filled with sadness

Despair spreads its fingers around my mind.

Only memories remain

in a world now cold and dark

Where flowers grew now dust has covered everything.

Crying doesn't help anymore, so what can I do?

Torn in pieces is my heart, I don't know where to go.

My heart and soul are filled with sadness

Deep as grey oceans in your eyes.

My heart and soul are filled with sadness

Despair spreads its fingers around my mind.

My heart and soul are filled with sadness

Deep as grey oceans in your eyes.

My heart and soul are filled with sadness

Despair spreads its fingers around my mind.

God how I wish you back

but my mistakes can never be undone

and I fear you forgot our love.

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