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de Emeli Sandé / an -


I guess it's funnier from where your standing

Coz from over here I miss the joke

Clear the way for my crash landing

I've done it again

Another number for your notes

I'd be smiling if I wasn't so desperate

I'd be patient if I had the time

I could stop and answer all of your questions

As soon as I find out 

How I can move from the back of a lie


So I'll be your clown

Behind the glass

Go 'head and laugh

Coz it's funny

I would too if I saw me

I'll be your clown

On your favourite channel

My life's a circus circus

Round in circus

I'm selling out tonight

I'd be less angry if it was my decision

And the money was just rolling in

If I had more than my ambition

I'll have time for 'please'

I'll have time for 'thank you's

As soon as I win


From a distance my choice is simple

From a distance I can entertain

So you can see me

I put make-up on my face

But there's no way you can feel it

From so far away


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