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de Faithless / an -


So much more than I thought this world could ever hold

So much more than I thought this world could ever hold

We think we're heroes, we think we're kings

We plan all kinds of fabulous things

Oh look how great we have become

Key in the door, the moment I've been longing for

Before my bag hit the floor

My adorable children rush up screaming for a kiss,

and a story, they're a gift to this world

My only claim to glory

I surely never knew sweeter days

Blows my mind like munitions

I'm amazed

So much heaven, so much hell

So much love, so much pain

So much more than I thought this world could ever contain

So much war, so much soul

One man's loss, another man's goal

So much more than I thought this world can ever hold

We're just children, we're just dust

We are small and we are lost

And we're nothing, nothing at all

One bomb, the whole block gone

Can't find me children and dust covers the sun

Everywhere is noise, panic and confusion

But to some, another fun day in Babylon

I'm gonna bury my wife and dig up my gun

My life is done so now I got to kill someone

So much heaven, so much hell

So much love, so much pain

So much more than I thought this world could ever contain

So much war, so much soul

One man's loss, another man's goal

So much more than I thought this world could ever hold

So much more than I thought this world could ever hold

So much more than I thought this world could ever hold

So much heaven, so much hell

So much love, so much pain

So much more than I thought this world could ever contain

So much war, so much soul

One man's loss, another man's goal

So much more than I thought this world could ever hold

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