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I Want More


Part 1


Hey friend your misery bewilders me

How come you're never satisfied or gratified

Four walls n' a roof, electricity,

Stable mind, wife and child,

Hot and cold water to run anytime.

But still you, whine.

I want more

A bum could rummage through ya bin

And live like a king

On just one crumb o'ya cake

N'ya say ya life needs fulfilling

Some would give anything to live like you

Shame your mind, don't shine

Like your possessions do.

Whining, complaining all the time,

Don't see no rain on you

What side your bread is buttered on

If only you knew

What d'ya mean

I want more


I was told as a child,

I want more never gets

Learned to count my blessings

Long before I saw an abacus

So what ya family don't speak

At least they're alive

Show me a man without guilt

Or a soul that ain't lied

You don't know what ya got

Open your eyes, look around

Really, hear me you,

Ain't got no reason to be down

What d'ya mean

I want more

Friend what is it that you seek

What is it that you try to find

Someday I hope you realized

It shined in you all the time.

Hills to climb, sights to see, seas to cross,

Friends to make, hands to shake, the world is yours,

Foods to taste, sounds to hear, love to feel,

Seeds to sew, things to know, fish to reel,

Space to quiz, stones to lift, life's a gift

What d'ya mean

I want more


What d'ya mean

I want more



Part 2

[Nina Simone]

I want more

I want some

And then some

And do you know what I wanna hear?

I want more

I want some more

And then some

I want more (3x)

You know how I love that stuff

I want more (3x)

[Maxi Jazz]

I want more

[Nina Simone]

I want more

The waiting's been so long, so long.

I want more

Been so long

[Maxi Jazz]

I want more

More oneness, less categories,

Open hearts, no strategies.

Decisions based upon faith and not fear.

People live right now and right here.

I want the wisdom that wise men revere.

[Maxi Jazz & Nina Simone]

I want more (4x)

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