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Mass Destruction


With a long range weapon or suicide bomber
Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether you're stowaway's son or BBC 1
Dis-information is a weapon of mass destruction

You could a caucasian or a poor asian
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether inflation or globalisation
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction

My dad came into my room, holdin his hat
I knew he was leavin', he sat
on my bed, told me some facts,

I have a duty, callin on me
You and your sister be
brave my little soldier,
and don't forget all i told ya
Your the mister of the house now remember this
And when you wake up in the morning give ya momma a kiss,
then I had to say goodbye

In the morning i woke momma with a kiss on each eyelid,
Even though im only a kid,
certain things can't be hid
Momma grabbed me, held me like i was made of gold,
but left her in the story untold
I said, momma it will be allright,
when daddy comes home, tonight

With a long range weapon or suicide bomber
Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether you're stowaway's son or BBC 1
Dis-information is a weapon of mass destruction

You could a caucasian or a poor asian
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether inflation or globalisation
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether Haliburton, Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction

We need to find courage, overcome
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction

My story stops here, lets be clear
this scenario is happenin everywhere
and you ain't go

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