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Gonna Walk


Don't really know

How much longer I can stick around

Cause my bags are collecting dust

And my ceiling's coming down

Kissed the gutter on Bourbon Street

Louisiana give me New Orleans

It's time to change the locks oh baby

On my back door

I'm east coast bound I'm stuck in

Chinatown for the night

I'm gonna walk, run

Whatever it takes I'm leaving

I'm gonna walk, run

Whatever it takes I'm gone

Trucks loaded up and ready to go

The stage coach is leaving town

My snakeskin boots are tough enough

For that dusty Texas ground

San Antonio get ready for me

The Houston honeys are a luxury

It's time to change the locks oh baby

On my back door

I'm east coast bound I'm stuck in

Chinatown for the night

I'm gonna walk, run

Whatever it takes I'm leaving

I'm gonna walk, run

Whatever it takes I'm gone

It's time to change the locks oh baby

On my back door

I'm east coast bound I'm stuck in

Chinatown for the night

I'm gonna walk, run

Whatever it takes I'm leaving

I'm gonna walk, run

Whatever it takes I'm gone

It's time to change the locks oh baby

On my back door

I'm east coast bound I'm stuck in

Chinatown for the night

I'm gonna walk, run

Whatever it takes I'm leaving

I'm gonna walk, run

Whatever it takes I'm gone

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