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Cannonball [Live][*]

de Five Iron Frenzy / pe The End Is Here / an 2004


Wind passes right through my skin as I fall down, this furious speed will only destroy me.

Crippling and devastating momentum, approaching maximum velocity.

And this is how it's going to be, the point of it all.

'Cause this is what was meant for me, recklessly I fall.

Hulking, smashing, I come crashing, nothing like when I was small.

I am unstoppable, I am the cannonball.

That feeble coward that you knew, has undergone an overhaul.

I am unstoppable, I am the cannonball.

Thirty-two feet per second I increase, as the exponents will multiply.

I'll never stop to look back behind me, cutting through the bright blue sky.

And this is how it's meant to be, untethered I will soar.

I'll barrel towards the earth below, it's what I was made for.

And everyone will say it's just an accident, like some mishap or a tragedy.

I think that failure has a purpose, and I don't believe it's chance if I fall.

And I know that if I ever do fall, He will catch me.

And if He ever lets me fall down, for the good of those who believe Him,

He will make me into a cannonball. Unblemished, and faultless. A burning luminescence.

Unequaled precision, beyond your scope of vision. Cannonball.

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