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Baby Pain

de Fluke / pe Puppy / an 2004


I'm flesh and blood ÔÇô Baby,

I'm skin and bone,

every inch of me a man.

I'm meek and mild ÔÇô Baby,

From the head to toe,

and I've tried to be the best I can.

But I've been mad ÔÇô Baby,

I've been confused,

I know that's hard to understand.

But I've got dreams ÔÇô Baby,

and they need you.

You've got the future in your hands.

Baby Pain ÔÇô Baby Pain.

I was alone ÔÇô Baby,

love pulled me through,

out of the darkness came a sign.

Now that was you ÔÇô Baby,

you pulled me through,

you came to me and saved my life.

My bleeding heart ÔÇô Baby,

still beating true,

still beats to keep your dreams alive.

Baby Pain ÔÇô Baby Pain.

Still beating strong enough for two.

Baby Pain ÔÇô Baby Pain.

Still beating here for me and you.

I've got the blues ÔÇô Baby,

you got 'em too,

I know there's something we can try.

Now there's a cure ÔÇô Baby,

It's good for two,

no sense in wasting no more time.

Give me your hand ÔÇô Baby,

I'll give you mine,

It's time to leave the past behind.

Now we can try ÔÇô Baby,

see what we find,

then make it anything we like.

Baby Pain ÔÇô Baby Pain - Baby Pain ÔÇô Baby Pain.

Give me your hand baby,

give me your hand

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