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Dear God

de Fm Static / pe Dear Diary / an -0001


Dear God, I wrote this letter to put my thoughts on paper,

Sometimes life seems like a criminal without a well planned caper,

I know You are the answer but I forget the question,

How do I know You love me when no one else seems to care

I've tried everything I thought might help me understand things,

And it didn't tell me anything or even play my heart strings,

So I'm writing You this letter to wait for Your reply,

Cause I'm so tired of not believin'

I'll give You a try

I don't know, but I got this feeling,

That today's gonna be my turning point,

Everyday I get a little bit closer,

It feels so good to finally be over

I don't know, but I think I'm learning,

This type of thing's never been my calling card,

Sometimes you just gotta look closer,

Instead of searchin' so hard

So when I start to get down and the world fills up around me,

And my head starts spinnin' like a top,

From the way my heart beat's poundin' I can look up for a second,

And know that I'm alright I spent so long, not believin',

It's my turn to fly

I don't know, but I got this feeling,

That today's gonna be my turning point,

Everyday I get a little bit closer,

It feels so good to finally be over

I don't know, but I think I'm learning,

This type of thing,

Never been my calling card,

Sometimes you just gotta look closer,

Instead of searchin' so hard

How I missed You every time I look for you

I don't know, but I got this feeling,

That today's gonna be my turning point,

Everyday I get a little bit closer,

It feels so good to finally be over

I don't know, but I think I'm learning,

This type of thing's never been my calling card,

Sometimes you just gotta look closer,

Instead of searchin' so hard

Instead of searchin' so hard

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