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Real Sheila

de Game Theory / pe Lolita Nation / an 1990


The word must be go easy

Showing yourself to those eyes

Criteria running high

Austere and lost? No

They're tired of themselves as I am

Watching the shows go by

Lord knows that I'm not

Exactly the boy of my own dreams

And if I were a girl with dreams

I'd have dreams as big as you please

Sheila stay home a little longer, I'm going to phone you until I do

Sheila don't let them any closer, worlds will be changing when I get through

And nobody knows the real Sheila like I do

Sheila stay home a little longer, I'm going to phone you until I do

Sheila don't let them any closer, worlds will be changing when I get through

And nobody knows the real Sheila like I do

The word must be head down

And don't know a thing you're doing

Hear what the storefronts say

And dress clothes and thrill shows

Will take you like hands wherever

The word is get on your way

Where you know you're going someday

Sheila stay home a little longer, I'm going to phone you until I do

Sheila don't let them any closer, worlds will be changing when I get through

And nobody knows the real Sheila like I do

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