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de Gary Stewart / an -


What do we call it now

It isn't marriage anymore

Call it new and different

It's not the way it was before

Out of all the words to choose from

There's only one that fits

Call it what you want to

I just call it quits

We've come down to the place

Where love barely fits

Call it what you want to

I call it quits

Turn and walk away

Across the desert of our hearts

Loves kinda said that we've run out of time

And though we once had something

No words could tear apart

Now you be your's and I'll be mine

We've come down to the place

Where love barely fits

Call it what you want to

I call it quits

Call our friends

And tell them...

Oh tell them that we just don't care

Tell them dreams of flowers

But our garden's bare

Call it separation, independence

Divorce, if that word fits

Call it what you want to

I just call it quits

We've come down to the place

Where love barely fits

Call it what you want to

I call it quits

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