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de Gentle Giant / an -


All in all each man in all men

All men in each man.

He can see she can't, she can see

she can

see whatever, whatever.

You may know what I don't know,

but not that

I don't know it and I can't tell you

so you will.

To tell me all man in all men

All men in each man.

He can see she can't, she can see

she can

see whatever, whatever.

You may know what I don't know,

but not that

I don't know it and I can't tell you

so you will have to tell me all.

It hurts him to think that she is

hurting her by him being hurt to think

that she thinks he is hurt by making her

feel guilty at hurting him by her thinking

she wants him to want her. Her wants

her to

want him to get him to want him to get

him to want her she pretends.

He tries to make her afraid by not

being afraid. (permutations)

You may know what I don't know, but not

that I don't know it and I can't

tell you so you will have to tell

me all.

I get what I deserve. I deserve what I

get. I have it so I deserve it. I deserve

it for I have it. I get what I deserve.

What I deserve - what I deserve what

I get.

I have it so I deserve.

He tries to make her afraid by not

being afraid

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