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Grandpa's Song

de George Canyon / an -


His eyes were so stern

His hands were so strong

But his heart, it was gentle

Even when you were wrong

He was a fighter as a boy

Best in the town

He worked every morning

In the mine he went down

So tell me Grandpa

Why do you look so sad

Tell me Grandpa

Why do you look so mad

The world, it isn't bad to you

It put you on your path

Tell me Grandpa

Can I follow in your tracks

Now Grandma she stays smiling

When she looks in your eyes

She still sees that young boy

She's loved all her life

Down on the pull press

Workin' hard night and day

Still believing in family

In the old fashioned way

So tell me Grandpa

Why do you look so sad

Tell me Grandpa

Why do you look so mad

The world, it isn't bad to you

It put you on your path

Tell me Grandpa

Can I follow in your tracks

Things that you taught me

Wood whistles you'd make

Well I'll always remember

Fishin' old Black Brooke lake

And old graceful can't talk now

But I know you can hear

My thoughts and my memories

You can find in my tears

So tell me Grandpa

Why did ya look so sad

Tell me Grandpa

Why did you look so mad

The world, it wasn't bad to you

To keep you on your path

Tell me Grandpa

Can I follow in your tracks

Tell me Grandpa

Can I follow in your tracks

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