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Going to Pasalaqua [Live]


Here we go again, infatuation

Touches me just when I

Thought that it would end

Oh but then again it seems

Much more than that but

I'm not sure exactly what you're thinking

Well, I toss and turn all night

Thinking of your ways of effection

But to find that it's not different at all

I throw away my past mistakes

And contemplate my future

That's when I say...

What the hey!

Would we last forever?

You and I together, hand and hand

We run away (far away)

I'm miss my nasty weather

But I'll take whatever you can

Give that comes my way (far away)

Here we go again, infatuation

Touches me just when I

Thought that it would end

Oh but then again it seems

Much more than that but

I'm not sure exactly what you're thinking

Well, I toss and turn all night

Thinking of your ways of effection

But to find that it's not different at all

I throw away my past mistakes

And contemplate my future

That's when I say...

What the hey!

Would we last forever?

You and I together, hand and hand

We run away (far away)

I'm in for nasty weather

But I'll take whatever you can

Give that comes my way (far away)

Well, I toss and turn all night

Thinking of your ways of effection

But to find that it's not different at all

I throw away my past mistakes

And contemplate my future

That's when I say...

What the hey!

Would we last forever?

You and I together, hand and hand

We run away (far away)

I'm in for nasty weather

But I'll take whatever you can

Give that comes my way (far away)

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