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de Green Day / an -


My friend drove off the other day

Now he's gone and all they say

is you gotta live cause life goes on

Well now I see I'm mortal too

I can't live my life like you

Gotta live it up while life goes on

And I think it's alright

That I do what I like

Cause that's the way I wanna live

And so I give and I'm still giving

Now I wonder about my friend

If he gave all he could give

Cause he lived his life like I've lived mine

If you could see inside my head

Then you'd start to understand

the things I value in my heart

And I think it's alright

That I do what I like

cause that's the way I wanna live

And so I give and I'm still giving

You know that

I know that

You're watching me

And I think it's alright

That I do what I like

cause that's the way I wanna live

And so I give and I'm still giving

Gotta make a plan, gotta do what's right

Can't run around in circles if you wanna build a life

But I don't wanna make a plan for a day far away

While I'm young and while I'm able all I wanna do is

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