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de Green Day / pe American Idiot / an 2004


Nobody likes you

Everyone left you

They're all out witout you

havin' fun!

Where have all the bastards gone?

The underbelly stacks up ten high,

The dummy failed the crash test,

collecting unemployment checks,

a flunkie only along for the ride

Where have all the riots gone,

As the city's motto gets pulverized?

"What's in love is now in debt",

On your birth certificate,

So strike the fucking match to light this fuse

The town bishop is an extortionist,

And he don't even know that you exist,

Standing still when it's do or die,

You better run for your fucking life

It's not over till you're underground,

It's not over before it's too late

This city's burning "it's not my burden",

It's not over before it's too late

There is nothing left to analyze

Where will all the martyrs go,

When the virus cures itself?

And where will we all go when it's too late?

Well don't look back...

You're not the Jesus of suburbia,

The St. Jimmy is a figment of,

Your fathers rage and your mothers love,

Made me the idiot America

It's not over 'til you're underground,

It's not over before it's too late,

This city's burning "it's not my burden",

It's not over before it's too late

She said "I can't take this place,

I'm leaving it behind",

She said "I can't take this town,

I'm leaving you tonight"

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