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Somebody's Love

de Hal Ketchum / an -


I stood up for you when you married

Thought you were one lucky guy

You had the world in your pocket

She had that look of love in her eye

Called me at one in the morning

To tell me what youÔÇÖre going through

ItÔÇÖs not working out like you wanted

IÔÇÖm not the one to be telling this to

ÔÇÿCause brother when you say sheÔÇÖs not all that you dreamed of

I say youÔÇÖre dreaming too much

ÔÇÿCause I know sheÔÇÖs more than some damn fool deserves

I know sheÔÇÖs somebodyÔÇÖs love

Yes, I know sheÔÇÖs somebodyÔÇÖs love

IÔÇÖve watched her raising your children

She was there when the going got tough

Just when she needed your loving

You strung her along on just barely enough

So brother when you say sheÔÇÖs not all that you dreamed of

I say youÔÇÖre dreaming too much

ÔÇÿCause I know sheÔÇÖs more than some damn fool deserves

I know sheÔÇÖs somebodyÔÇÖs love

And if I had your luck this time

YouÔÇÖd be gone, sheÔÇÖd be mine

All of my friends would say

There goes that lucky guy

Brother when you say sheÔÇÖs not all that you dreamed of

I say youÔÇÖre dreaming too much

ÔÇÿCause I know sheÔÇÖs more than some damn fool deserves

I know sheÔÇÖs somebodyÔÇÖs love

Yes, I know sheÔÇÖs somebodyÔÇÖs love

Oh, I know sheÔÇÖs somebodyÔÇÖs love

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