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Homesick and lonely I'm worried and blue

I wanna see the baby and the baby's mama too

I'm so tired of roamin' I'm about to lose my mind

Homesick and lonesome for that gal of mine

Mean old trouble is all that I've known

I'm missing my honey and boys I'm going home

If she'll just let me tarry when I come draggin' in

You couldn't take a shotgun and run me off again

This old boy's got misery deep down in his soul

This old world's too big and this old world's too cold

I'll be ridin' that freight train when she comes down the tracks

And next time you see me leave I'll be flat on my back

[ fiddle ]

I never knew a body could ever feel so low

I have often asked myself why did I ever go

I'm a headin' home and this time there I'm gonna park

And if she wants a new dog then I'm gonna learn to bark

Homesick and lonely...

Homesick and lonesome for that gal of mine

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