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Something to Believe In

de Hank Williams Jr. / pe Five-O-Five / an 1990


There ain't too much chance for opportunity

In this town that I live in

And I don't know what I'm gonna do with me

And it's getting hard to contend

With the fact that I ain't going nowhere

If I don't get out of here

I need a change of luck and a pick-me-up

Something more than the bars and the beers

I need something to believe in

Something to look forward to

Something to believe in

Cause I got a bad case of the blues

Something to believe in

Something to make me feel right

Something to believe in

Is that asking too much out of life

Well I quit my job

And I'm leaving today

Cause two hundred a week, it don't make it

I got a ticket going to L.A.

And I'm hoping I can take it

Cause I got enough money for about a month before I'll be back on the bus

But I got faith in me and all new things I see

I just need a little good luck

Well I was getting down

Soon I'd have to leave town

And I was out walking the street

When I met a girl

By the burger world

And I was needing her company

By the way she was dressed

I knew what to expect

When we got to her motel room

Ah, but when she found out I came from her hometown

She starting crying and Lord I did too

I need something to believe in

Ah, baby something to look forward to

Ah, do you feel like I do

Something to believe in

She said please stay with me tonight

I want something to believe in

Just talk to me and hold me tight

She was just eighteen

And I couldn't believe

What had happen since she left home

I thought I had some pains

But it wasn't the same

As the hell she had known

So we packed our stuff

And we got on the bus

And now it's back to the same old grind

But if you could have seen

The way she looked at me

When she saw the city limit sign

We got something to believe in

Something to look forward to

Something to believe in

And I believe in me and you

Something to believe in

Holding each other tight

Something to believe in

That special something called being in love to get us by

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