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Montana Song


I'm going to Montana to spend the winter

I hear the snows are deep up there and the winds are cold

Way out there the blues will never find me oh I'm going to Montana to rest my soul

I wish that special someone was goin' along

But she don't love me anymore so I'll be gone

Maybe I can find someone who cares bout the man I am stead of clothes I wear

Cause I ain't takin' nothin' but my boots and jeans and a big ole cold along

But oh Lord wouldn't her warm skin feel good at night

Makin' love in a sleepin' bag and holdin' me pretty tight

We've spent the days side by side right upon the great divide

And look across America and feel so free inside

[ guitar ]

Oh Lord that would be quite a change for a country boy like me

Up there in the snow drifts right up to my knees

And as I warm my hands by the fire I'd have to fight off the great desire

To call that girl and ask her to come out here for a while

I'm going to Montana to spend the winter

I hear the snows are deep up there and the winds are so cold

Way out there the blues will never find me oh I'm going to Montana to rest my soul

I wish that special someone was goin' along

But she don't love me anymore so I'll be gone

Maybe I can find someone who cares a sweet simple baby who'd love to share

This love I've held inside me for so long and help me sing my Montana song ooh

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