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de Hank Williams Jr. / an -


The fields were perched like cinders rivers all dried up

When a stranger appeared in a little town they called Dried Gulge

When he said I'm a rainmaker most of the folks just stood in doubt

But could he be the miracle sent Lord to end this awful drought

Things in old Dried Gulge happened then the same

Since the old rainmaker came to make it rain

Without a moments hesitation they all agreed the pay is fee

When he said for a thousand dollars boys I'll moss in your sandy sea

They gathered every penny from far and wide they came

To have a big celebration for tonight it was gonna rain

As he was preparin' his potion the hearts were filled with love

And every eye was fixed on those cloudly skies above

Hour after hour but no rain came down

And they caught the old rainmaker just as he was leavin' town

Yeah they hung the rainmaker beneath the dead oak tree

As he cried and he pleaded just wait wait and you're gonna see

Things in old Dried Gulge happened then the same

When they hung the rainmaker they walked on in the rain

When they hung the rainmaker they walked on in the rain

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