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Wabash Cannonball

de Hank Williams Jr. / an -


From the great Atlantic ocean to the wide Pacific shore

From the green New Hampshire mountains to the southland's cajun lore

She's streamlined and she's welcome by the train and one and all

She's a railroad institution called the Wabash Cannonball

Listen to the jingle the rumble and the roar

As she rolls on down the mountains from the hills and by the shore

Hear the mighty rush of the engine hear those lonesome whistle's call

Hear the mingle with the jungle on the Wabash Cannonball

She came down from Birmingham one cold December day

As she rolled into the station you could hear the people say

There's a girl from Tennessee she's long and she's tall

She came down from Birmingham on the Wabash Cannonball

Eastern states are dandy so the western people say

From Pittsburg to St Louis and Cincinnati by the way

From the hills of Minnesotta where the wrippling waters fall

The flatlands of New Jersey on the Wabash Cannonball

We'll drink a toast to Casey Jones may his name forever stand

He's built a reputation with the railroads of our land

His final run is over nad all the curtains fall

We'll carry him back to Dixie on the Wabash Cannonball

Listen to the jingle...

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