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Naughty Naughty

de Harvey Danger / an -


Let's get naughty

Come a little closer, baby

It's all right

Maybe we can start a little fire tonight

Pull the shades, lock the door

Don't waste my time, girl

You'd better be sure

Cause I know what I want

And I know how to get it

So baby if you're ready to play

Let's get naughty naughty

Down & dirty

Naughty naughty

Oh I like it that way

That dress you're wearing makes you look so cute - naughty naughty

But girl you'd look better in your birthday suit

Take my hand, feel my love

Tonight's the night wer're gonna shake it up, shake it up

Cause I know what you want

And you're gonna get it

Baby if you're ready to play

Let's get naughty naughty

Down & dirty

Naughty naughty

Oh I like it that way

Cause you know what I want

And I'm gonna get it

Baby if your ready to play

Step this way - naughty naughty

Why don't you slide on over here baby

Yeah that's it

Don't worry I won't bite ya - not yet

Why don't we could uh....

What kind of girl do you think I am?

Let's get naughty naughty

Down & dirty

Naughty naughty

Oh I like it that way

Let's get naughty naughty

Down & dirty

Naughty naughty

Oh I like it, I like it

I like it that way

I like it that way

Uh huh

Naughty naughty

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