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Stay Six

de Hey Mercedes / pe Hey Mercedes / an 2000


cars and planes are crashing

and someone is cashing in

tonight one more look like that

could set this mission in motion

cause i'm tired of living alone

and i'm hoping that it shows

all over it's all over and so it goes.

all the usual hearts to you

in everything that you do

you make me know i've got a lot to live for

and somehow i've made it through

all the usual hearts to you

in everything that you do

i wish i had more to leave you.

and if it feels too early to rise

lay back down and close your eyes

the war will wait for you.

it's such a beautiful day to be sad

it's better to stay in bed

with the cold old covers

crawling up and over and into that part of my

head into the kitchen

for the first and last dive of the day

what a way it's any way it's amy wait.

for all the usual hearts to you

in everything that you do

i know you've got a lot to live for

and all your dreams will come true

and all your nightmares too

in everything that you do

i wish i had more to leave you.

and if you're ready for some restless sleep

we can plan to meet

maybe some mundane monday.

stay six kid

and if seven comes on too strong

and when eight just drags along

you can always cry to nine.

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