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Love is a flame that can't be tamed,

and though we are its willing pray, my darling,

we are not the ones to blame

Trust is a word all lovers know,

the glorious art of staining souls, my darling,

we are not the ones to blame

The more we have, the more we want,

and the more it hurts our heart, my baby,

It always ends up in tears...

So keep on Pretending

our heaven's worth the waiting

Keep on Pretending

it's all right

So keep on Pretending

it will be the end of our craving

Keep on Pretending

it's all right...

When doubts arise the game begins

the one we will never win, my baby,

It always ends up in tears

So keep on Pretending

our heaven's worth the waiting

Keep on Pretending

it's all right

So keep on Pretending

it will be the end of our craving

Keep on Pretending

it's all right... c'mon

[Guitar Solo]

So keep on Pretending

our heaven's worth the waiting

Keep on Pretending

it's all right

So keep on Pretending

it will be the end of our craving

Keep on Pretending

it's all right...

Love is a flame that can't be tamed,

and though we are its willing pray, my darling,

we are not the ones to blame

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