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de Inspiral Carpets / pe Greatest Hits / an 2003


Father, it's time to leave

Tears on my face

And on your sleeve

And on your shoulder

I'm going down

In uniform

I'm going down

I'm going down

In uniform

Mother, it's time to go

The days will be long

And go too slow

But I'll think of you

As I go down

In uniform

You'll find me wandering alone on some far-off horizon

Wearing expressions like you've never seen on this face

The cars on the highway are backed up and bumper to bumper

It's a funny old world

It's a funny old human race

Little sister, you look so good

I feel proud of you

I knew I would

We'll be together

As we go down

In uniform

We're going down

We're going down

In uniform

You'll find me wandering alone on some far-off horizon

Wearing expressions like you've never seen on this face

The cars on the highway are backed up and bumper to bumper

It's a funny old world

It's a funny old human race

You'll find me wandering alone on some far-off horizon

Wearing expressions like you've never seen on this face

The cars on the highway are backed up and bumper to bumper

It's a funny old world

It's a funny old human race

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