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de Jacintha / an -


So close your eyes for that's a lovely way to be

Aware of things your heart alone was meant to see

The fundamental loneliness goes

Whenever two can dream a dream together

You can't deny

Don't try to fight the rising sea

Don't fight the moon the stars above

And don't fight me

The fundamental loneliness goes

Whenever two can dream a dream together

When I saw you first the time was half past three

When your eyes met mine it was eternity

By now we know the wave is on it's way to be

Just catch the wave don't be afraid of loving me

The fundamental loneliness goes

Whenever two can dream a dream together

So close your eyes for that's a lovely way to be

Aware of things your heart alone was meant to see

The fundamental loneliness goes

Whenever two can dream a dream together

You can't deny

Don't try to fight the rising sea

Don't fight the moon the stars above

And don't fight me

The fundamental loneliness goes

Whenever two can dream a dream together

When I saw you first the time was half past three

When your eyes met mine it was eternity

By now we know the wave is on it's way to be

Just catch the wave don't be afraid of loving me

The fundamental loneliness goes

Whenever two can dream a dream together

Together, together, together

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