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People, Running

de Jack's Mannequin / pe People And Things / an -0001


We are just these people happy, tangled lives.

We are only chemical and skin,

Barely strapped in for this air conditioned drive.

We are tired of waiting and still we stand in line.

Yea, this is all addition by subtraction

A simple chain reaction of the mind.

Yea, we are just these people running around

And I am in no hurry to figure it out

We are just like oceans running aground in search of water

In search of water

We are just these people, such tragic little things.

You take a girlfriend to a drug deal,

Fall in love and now she wears a diamond ring.

We are tired of waiting, all bandages and strings.

Courtesy of

Hold you together and keep you up enough

You drift in no direction so it seems

That we are just these people running around

And I am in no hurry to figure it out

We are just like oceans running aground in search of water

In search of water, in search of water

People living on the edge would never come, in search of water

People standing and watching people run, in search of water

Just watching people run

Yeah we are just these people running around

And there's no need to worry we'll figure it out

We are just those people running, people running around in search of water

Just watching people run

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