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Hold Your Breath

de Jamisonparker / an -


[Jamison Covington/Alex Hovis]


Think of all these roses

Think of all the nights

We spent chasing afternoons

Think of all these moments

Think of all the blown

Time put into something new

Think of all these roses

Pulling blood from every finger

Holding your eyes open

Bit by bit we fall together

Think of all these roses

Hate to tell you you've been broken

Holding your eyes open

To see something deep inside you


If you could hear this now

I would say to you..

Hold your breath

'Cause it's all you get

To see this through

While i try my best

To get over you


Think of all these moments

I can't find the words to tell

Take another step in

You will find what you've been trying to

Think of all these moments

Find the words and throw them at you

Take another step in

Lies are lies and you'll be tried soon


If you could hear this now

I would say to you..

Hold your breath

'Cause it's all you get

To see this through

While i try to forget you

And keep that kiss

Keep it near your lips

With that last goodbye

I hate it but you'll sleep alone tonight


Think of all these moments

Think of all the blown time

Put into something new


If you could hear this now

I would say to you

Hold your breath

'Cause it's all you get

See this through

While I try to forget you

And keep that kiss

Keep it near your lips

With that last goodbye

I hate it but you'll sleep alone tonight..


Think of all these roses

Pulling blood from every finger

Holding your eyes open

Bit by bit we fall together


Keep that kiss

Keep it near your lips

With that last goodbye

I hate it but you'll sleep alone


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