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Shotgun Road (redemption)

de Jarboe / an -


Here is the bleeding heart

Remember she once declared

Now she just plays her part

Deadly game of solitaire

And you may have trade places

Moved in for the kill

Yes, traded faces

But you can never break her will

it is my life now someone lived it before

like mirrors reflecting but never opening doors

its my life now finally up to me

it is my life now i give up purity

there's no redemption in those arms tonight

so c'mon take up your rifle aim it low

no redemption in the stars so bright

so lead me down the road

She left an empty space

Is it me you will save

They say she left her bed in haste

Like screams from a livid grave

And I don't see attraction from within your eyes

But I don't need that satisfaction

So just keep telling me those lies

is it my life now someone lived it before

like mirrors reflecting but never opening doors

is it my life now is up to me

well the mirrors they shattered the doors are all opening

there's no redemption in those arms so tight

so c'mon take up your rifle aim it slow

better arm yourself now from the stars so white

its raining down the shotgun road

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