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de Jars Of Clay / pe Jars of Clay / an 1995


Don't try to reach me

I'm already dead

The pain when it grips me

For things that I've done

Well I try to make you proud

But for crying out loud

Just give me a chance to hide away

Exhaustion takes over

Will this someday be over?


Fearful tears are running down

The pain you've laid dont speak a sound

Don't take my heart away from me

And they think I fell down.....again

Daddy don't you love me

Then why do you hit me?

And Momma don't you love me

Then why do you hurt me?

Well I've tried to make you proud

But for crying out loud

Just give me a chance to hide away

Exhaustion takes over

Will this someday be over?

repeat chorus twice

A teardrop falls

From up in the heavens

Drowning the sorrow of angels in high

For the least of the helpless

The hopeless, the loveless

My Jesus, His children,

He holds in His arms

He loves you, He sees you,

He knows you, protects you,

He needs you, He holds you

(repeated a bunch of time

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