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de Jars Of Clay / an -


Words and music by Dan Haseltine, Charlie Lowell, Stephen Mason, Matt Odmark

Shoot a dream in your arm and sleep away

It's not the stuff that kills you, that keeps your life at bay

Every crash pulls you in reach

Of a watershed of signal flares that cover your beach

These are just placebos to make us feel all right

Illusions in our pockets make our feather float us high

For a second I thought I saw you eyelids rise

A moment, something restless caught you by surprise,

Surprise, surprise

We are so beautiful when we sleep

Hearts of gold and eyes so deep, deep, deep

But love won't cure the chaos

And hope won't hide the loss

And peace is not the heroine that shouts above the cause

And love is wild for reasons

And hope though short in sight

Might be the only thing that wakes you by surprise

Surprise, surprise

Dream little one

See the world just begun

Love is wild for reasons

And hope feels short in sight

Might be the only thing that wakes you by surprise

For a moment I thought I saw your eyelids rise

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