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One Find

de Jason Mraz / an -


One (...) going down,

And then you slipped away,

One stop at a time (out of town),

We'll meet again someday.

Cause I,

I believe in love,

I still wish on,

Stars above,

I believe in love songs,

Yes, I think that they are real,

All you have to do is feel.

A chance missed for getting kissed,

I think there's so much more than this,

I will,

Guess I'll have to hold my breath and say..

That I,

I believe in fate,

I believe in good things coming to those who wait,

Although I'm anticipating late,

And all my hopes were beginning to fade,

When you will me,

How will we be,

This is only one,

Temporary find,

I'm sure before too long,

You will change your mind,

One find,

And this is only one of a many find,

I'm sure before too long,

You're gonna make up your mind.

I know all about it,

Well, I thought I did,

So I wrote a song about it,

And it goes a little something like this.

See now I,

I believe in love songs,

Yes, I think that they are real,

All you have to do, do, do,

You tell me,

All I have to do,


All we have to do,

Is feel,

Is feel,

Feel, so right,

Is feel,

Feel, so nice,

And this is so nice,

And this is so right,

And this is so right,

Right, find, and fine by me.

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