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INFO - 100,00 YEARS

100,00 Years

de Jay Jay Johanson / pe Rush / an 2005


Every move I make

And every rule i break

Never looking back without regret

I just can't go on

Pretending nothing's wrong

When too many words been said

Then something's gotta change

I wish this fever fade

The boys adore you

Girls can't ignore you

I'll be there for you

A 100.000 years

The cameras loves you

As much as I do

And dresses fits you

A 100.000 years

If we turn the page

I guess I'd rearrange

Just to get another day or two

And I'm not making plans

I hope you understand

There's a reason why I can't

But nothing looks the same

I wish this fever fade

The boys adore you

Girls can't ignore you

I'll be there for you

A 100.000 years

The cameras loves you

As much as I do

The dresses fits you

A 100.000 years

I wish this fever fade

The boys adore you

Girls can't ignore you

I'll be there for you

A 100.000 years

The cameras loves you

As much as I do

The dresses fits you

A 100.000 years

It might take a while

But there's no question why

If you look into my eyes you'll see

That every move I make

And every rule i break I take

Never looking back at what we've done

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