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City Bird

de Jesca Hoop / an -


City bird, city bird

Fly away from my window, from my window

'Cause you don't sing

Like the birds from home sing

Your song is dying

I set the table

For the ghosts in my home, my home

And pour the wine, and raise a glass

For the guests in my home

They're entering

In their skin and in their bones, still in their bones

The vision scares, but none compares

To the dread of drinking alone

After the tower's turned to a tomb

The underworld refugees all were refused by the banker

They could never go in

So I let them in, oh...

City bird, city bird

Fly away from my window, from my window

'Cause you don't sing

Like the birds from home sing

Your song is dying

I light the candle

For the ghosts in my home, my home

And say a prayer to please send care

For the guests in my home

But in their sleep

They claw and scream the devil home (The devil's come


But that nightmare

Does not compare to the demons in sleeping alone

After the tower is turned to a tomb

The underworld refugees all were refused by the banker

And with nowhere to go

They wash up on Skid Row, oh...

City bird, city bird

Fly away from my window, from my window

'Cause you don't sing

Like the birds from home sing

Your song is dying

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