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de Joe Jonas / pe Fast Life / an -0001


*Remember when our hearts do just the same

Said you'd be gone for a while but be back some day

But suddenly the truth doesn't feel so safe

You made a promise; you didn't keep it

'Cause no one knows in this lighthouse

And no answers to questions why

No where to be found, be found out through the fog

So I'm trapped in this lighthouse, lighthouse

My heart is getting cold as I count the days

And I would give my soul for the chance to see her

But all I see are these petty walls

I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy

'Cause no one knows in the lighthouse

And no answers to the questions why

No where to be found, be found out through the fog

So I'm trapped in this lighthouse, lighthouse

*This cliff I'm on is too steep to climb down

Need for you to save me from drowning

And a thousand tears will make a waterfall from me, you see

*And it's not clear that I'm getting off this rock

So I'm stuck in this lighthouse

No one knows in this lighthouse

And no answers to the questions why

No where to be found, be found out through the fog

So I'm trapped in this lighthouse, lighthouse

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