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de John Bucchino / an -


Honey come here

I have something to tell you

It won't make things perfect

And it may not make sense

But someday you'll see it as clear as my smile

Do you know the word "temporary"?

It means "only for a little while"

And everything is temporary

A friend moves, a tooth aches

A pet dies, a toy breaks

The detours a life takes


Everything is temporary

A storm clears, a tear dries

A wing heals, a brid flies

The trust lighting in your eyes


I know you want things to stay the same

I know it's hard to watch a childhood

Going up in smoke

It's hard for me to watch a child

Who's growing up

And choke back all the warnings

I could scream

To protect you from the things

That aren't as solid as they seem

But then, I'm only temporary

Everything is temporary

A child leaves, a heart breaks

A love dies, a world shakes

The difference one life makes


The trick is:

Hold it now as tightly as you can

Whether it's your favorite toy

Or a sad little boy who's trying hard

To be a brave little man

Hold it tighter 'cause you know

You'll have to let it go

If you learn this, though

You won't feel so sad:

A playmete, a tearstain

A Christmas, a dad

The best times

The worst pain

All temporary

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