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May You Never

de John Farnham / an -


J Martyn

May you never lay your head down

Without a hand to hold

May you never make your bed out in the cold

You're just like a great and strong brother of mine

And you know that I love you true

You never talk dirty behind my back

And I know that there's those that do

Please won't you please won't you bear it in mind

Love is a lesson to learn in our time

Please won't you please won't you bear it in mind for me

May you never lay your head down

Without a hand to hold

May you never make your bed out in the cold

You're just like a good and close sister to me

And you know that I love you true

You hold no blade to stab me in my back

And I know that there's some that do

Please won't you please won't you bear it in mind

Love is a lesson to learn in our time

Please won't you please won't you bear it in mind for me

May you never lay your head down

Without a hand to hold

May you never make your bed out in the cold

Well you're just like a great and strong brother of mine

And you know that I love you true

You never talk dirty behind my back

And I know that there those that do

Please won't you please won't you bear it in mind

Life is a lesson to learn in our time

Please won't you please won't you bear it in mind for me

May you never lose your temper

If you get hit in a bar room fight

May you never lose your woman over night

May you never lay your head down

Without a hand to hold

May you never make your bed out in the cold

May you never lose your temper

If you get hit in a bar room fight

May you never lose your woman over night

May you never lose your woman over night

May you never lose your woman over night

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