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Say It Now

de Julianna Zobrist / an -


I see you there behind those makeup eyes

No matter how hard you try you can disguise, No

You were always told just to love who you are

But if that's the point we won't get very far, No

Cause not everything is what it seems


Be more, be more than beautiful

You're not, you're not some stupid girl

You got something to say

So say it now, now, now, say it now

Be more, be more than typical

It's not a make believe world

You got something to say

So say it now, now, now, say it now

I know you think you're out there all alone

You're a crazy orphan without a home, Whoa

You stand so tall with everything in place

Perfumed and perfect some left no trace, No

But were one, big, broken, messed up family


Be more, be more than beautiful

You're not, you're not some stupid girl

You got something to say

So say it now, now, now, say it now

Be more, be more than typical

It's not a make believe world

You got something to say

So say it now, now, now, say it now

You know who you are

The truth you hold inside

Don't be afraid of being real

Love and hide


Be more, be more than beautiful

You're not, you're not some stupid girl

You got something to say

So say it now, say it now, say it now

Be more, be more than typical

It's not a make believe world

You got something to say

So say it now, now, now, say it now

Say it now, say it now, say it now

Say it now, say it now, say it now

Say it now, now, now

Say it now, now

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