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The Days

de Juliet The Orange / an -


One day I will see you falling in love

With some lovely girl and her long dark curls

Thanking me for all the things I've done

One day... one day

Someday you will see me in your arms

Thanking you for all the things you've done

One day... one day

Someday you will see me clutching

At precious love that I've found

I didn't see it around

Someday you will see me in your arms

Thanking you for all the things you've done

Someday... someday

Playing with fire

Now quench desire

Stick to your faith

And you'll see

Baby don't be so impatient

Things will go your way

For patience is a virtue

One day we will walk hand in hand

On the mountain top where it's never hot

One day we will both find the loves

That we've longing for

It's not metaphor

One day... one day

One day... one day

Trust in your heart I'll be your lark

Singing through the days and the nights

The days

Today you will see me walking the aisle

It's my wedding day

You promised to stay

Today I will see you and your smile

You've come in gay though you've traveled for miles

Today... today

Playing with fire

Now quench desire

Stick to your faith

And you'll see

Baby don't be so impatient

Things will go your way

For patience is a virtue

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