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Heartbreaker (Hjerteknuser) Eng


You and me are alike, as a pair of waterdrops

At least if you dare to ask him

I tend to put on a record, that you for me sang

Until I fell alseep in your lap

Before I saw nothing, and what I saw disappeared

But now I see all that which you see

On my finger I have your ring, and on the ring is written

That you are my heartbreaker

I wonder if you are out there now

If I send you my thoughts, do you feel them then?

Send me a hint and I'll let you have them

Even if he tells me little, and the memories are few

Are there things he can never take me away from

Like when we ran across the plantation, I hid in the straws

You counted to a hundred, I know that you saw

I wonder if you are out there now

If I send you my thoughts, do you feel them then?

Send me a hint and I'll let you have them

I water my plants, and nurture what I saw

Seconds tick, and minutes go by

And time pass as hours and pass as years

Perhaps you don't exsist anymore, and perhaps it is hope

Perhaps you don't think of me either

But I'm waiting for the day we're out walking

You kneel and I'm on my toes

I wonder if you're out there now

If I send you my thoughts do you feel them then?

Send me a hint and I'll let you have them

I water my plants and nurture what I saw

Seconds tick, and minutes go by

And time pass as hours and pass as years

And those that live, will see...

You are my heartbreaker, heartbreaker

You are my heartbreaker, heartbreaker

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