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de Karine Polwart / an -


When your time on the mountain is over

And you fall to the earth like a leaf

It won't be enough these days to say sorry

No, sorry won't pay for this grief

For you may lay down your guilt on the altar

You may nail your remorse to a cross

But it's not enough these days to say sorry

No, sorry won't pay for this loss

And if the blood on your hands turns to water

And the night in your soul turns to day

It won't be enough this time to say sorry

No, sorry won't wash it all away

You may lay down your guilt on the altar.

When you're through with the spells you've been spinning

When our hopes and our dreams have all died

It won't be enough these days to say sorry

No, sorry won't turn back the tide

You may lay down your guilt on the altar.

And if you should desist from deceiving

And if you should confess to the crime

It won't be enough these days to say sorry

No, sorry won't save you this time

You may lay down your guilt on the altar.

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