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de Kasabian / an -


I'm on it, get on it

The troops are on fire!

You know I need it, much closer

I'm treading just a little more

Step on it, electronic

The troops are on fire!

I'm much deeper, a sleeper

Waiting for the final trip

Come on it, get on it

I'm carving thru a letter bomb

I need it, like potions

These drugs are just an hour away

Come on it, electronic

A polyphonic prostitute, the motor's on fire

Messiah for the animals

Ahhh, oh come on!

We got our backs to the wall!


Get on!

And watch out!

Sayin', "You're gonna kill us all!"

I'm on it, get on it

The troops are on fire!

You know i need it, much closer

I'm treading just a little more

Step on it, electronic

The troops are on fire! I'm much deeper, a sleeper

Messiah for the animals

Ahhh, oh come on

Say yeh, we got our backs to the wall

Get on, and watch out

Ah, Before you kill us all

Ah, oh come on

Say we got our backs to the wall

Get on, and watch out

Ah, before you kill us all

Ahhh... (fades out)

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