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de Kasey Chambers / pe Wayward Angel / an 2004


Do you remember when I was a baby

Did I cry, did I cry

I only remember the days I was laughing

When you sang me sweet lullabies

When you sand me sweet bye and bye

Sometimes I wonder if you were an angel

Would you fly, would you fly

Or would you just hover right here by my side

Keeping me warm and dry

Keeping me safe by you side

Mother mother won't fall from grace

Light a room with the lines on your face

And if you were a river run dry

Well I'd sing you sweet bye and bye

All of the birds that land on my window

Sing your name, sing your name

When all of the time I am crying again

About how much the sky likes to rain

When I should be singing your name

And all of the flowers by the side of the road

They whisper your name while they grow

And if you were a river run dry

Well I'd sing you sweet bye and bye

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