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Love Dimension

de Kate Ceberano / an -


When will you give me

A fix of a fix of ready affection

You know if looks could kill

Then I know that they will

I'm all confused

Am I being used

But I'm not waiting for

No I'm not waiting for a rainy day

A rainy day

To give yourself away

When will you give me

A fix of a fix of

Love and affection

I'm losing my mind

And I'm sick and tired

Oh love is not a premonition

When will you give me your love

Cos you're the one I'm thinking of

When will you withdraw the pain

When you gonna take the blame

When will you give me your love

(You keep your feelings in disguise)

When will you give me your time

You're gonna need to realise


When will you give me

A fix of a fix of

Ready affection

And I've just got to mention

My misplaced intention

Of my infatuation

To reach your love dimension yeah


When will you give me ooh

A fix of a fix of

Love and affection

And I've just got to mention

My misplaced intention

Of my infatuation

To reach your love dimension

When will you give me ooh

A fix of a fix of

Ready affection

Reach your love dimension yeah

Reach your love dimension ooh

When will you give me yeah

A fix of ooh a fix of

Love and affection

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