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The Exit

de Katie Quick / pe Valley Between Love / an -0001


So you've been doing time

Solitarily confined

For learning early on that love ain't bound by shape or size

But you're perfect can't you see

You're braver than they'll ever be

So take a stand it's in your hands

You hold the lock and key

Say this is my exit

My one way out

The lone sign of light in all of this dark

Don't you dare follow

Don't stand in my way

Cuz it will get better

Starting today

You're paralyzed with fear

And your future seems so unclear

You can't imagine how this cruel world can dry your tears

But if you open up that door

You'll discover that there's so much more

And you'll find a happiness, the kind you've never known before

Say this is my exit

My one way out

The lone sign of light in all of this dark

Don't you dare follow

Don't stand in my way

Cuz it will get better

Starting today

They'll find with an army of anger and hate

You'll battle with pride and truth and dignity and grace

The history books will one day say

That you helped pave the way

For love to conquer all and save the day

Starting today

This is my exit

My one way out

The lone sign of light in all of this dark

Don't you dare follow

Don't stand in my way

Cuz it will get better

Starting today

(It will get better)

Starting today

(It will get better)

Starting today

(It will get better)

Oh yeah

It will get better

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