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Best Feeling

de Keller Williams / pe Buzz / an 2001


I woke to the world one morning
I did not really know what was going on
I didn't care about tomorrow
I worry when tomorrow comes
I went outside that night
set the ole imagination a flight

For one second I, I felt like a kid on Christmas day
Feeling stops all if said in a word
I will explain if I may

I climbed up a tree that night
I sat up in the branches and I felt like a bird
It was the best feeling in the world
I felt so good that night that my soul, it seemed to fly around that night
as I flew that night

For one second I felt like a bird
hangin' up in the air
feelin' stops all
if I said in a word
the feeling to be without a care

Swam in the sea that night
dove through the waves and I felt like a fish
it was the best feeling in the world

Felt so good that night
my soul it seemed to swim around that night
as I swam that night

For one second I
Felt like a fish
cruising around in the sea,
the feeling stops all
if I said in a word
the feeling to be free

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