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Bad Stars

de Kemuri / an -


Is it a fate to take or is it just another bad luck the devil plays?

Be careful when you see a full moon lights, the darkest sky and deepest night

Without a sound to hear, without a wind to feel, it comes and does

It does it has to do, it takes it wants to take,

Destroys and creates in a brutal way

Too bad that's all to say, so sorry that is all to say, no more to say

Every one has take what it does, what it shows and what it gives to him

Things you don't want to see, things you don't want to fake or don't want to face

Too rough to ignore, too hard to break through,

Too cold to hold, too hot to touch

Remember it, never forget what it did to you and you will learn

Remember it smashes love and hate, it stood alone when the stars...

Bad stars shone in the gray light of dawn

Things you don't want to see, things you don't want to face or don't want to fake

Too rough to ignore, too hard to break through,

Too cold to hold, too hot to touch

Remember it, never forget what it did to you and you will learn

Remember it smashes love and hate, it stands alone when the stars...

Bad stars shone in the gray light of dawn

Bad stars shone in the grayest light...

Bad stars shone in the grayest light...

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