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Cherry Pie

de Kemuri / an -


Coffee shop I used to hang out in a small town I was born

Such a small town, we grew up and run away...

Some stayed, some never left the town, yeah

Everyone was just so close...

Oh, well, sometimes so good to be so close

When you do like he does

Sometimes the worst to be so close

When you do but he just doesn't

Far away, too far away from home

Sometimes I think of home

Best friends, they came to good bye night I left

Time files but time just never lies, yes

Time just tells a truth

Oh, well... like a taste of pie I always love

Just tells a truth...

Brings back all the memories and a smell of coffee

Cherry Pie! So shinny and so crispy!

Cherry Pie! A la mode is so good!

Cherry Pie! Sweet and sour like a life,

It's so good and it's so much fun!

Facing and chasing reality of my life

I can't run away this time...

I got to face it this time...

Think of home, think of my mom smiling

I'm alone in a big town sing a song

Think of dad, think of little sister...

I feel home when I have a piece of...

Cherry Pie! So shinny and so crispy!

Cherry Pie! A la mode is so good!

Cherry Pie! Sweet and sour like a life,

It's so good and it's so much fun!

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